MG52 Food Relief Program 

The Morlon Greenwood Foundation is seeking to secure $25,000 in relief funds. These funds will be utilized to ensure that 52 local families will have their nutritional needs met, with the intent of ensuring student success at The Delta Academy.  Research has shown that students that are hungry are less likely to retain information, negatively affecting the learning process.  Our goal is to ensure these families have the fuel they need that supports and nourishes their minds, bodies, and spirits.

We are asking you for $25,000 to ensure these students and their families no longer worry about their basic needs and may focus on their future.  This money will be distributed among the 52 families, with $180.00 going to each family in need.  MG52 Food Relief Program  provides families with two months of food with the expectation their child will increase school attendance, decrease disciplinary infractions, and increase their grades. Our aim is to provide crucial community-based solutions and meet the nutritional needs of Delta Academy’s most at-risk students and families.

The MG52 Food Relief Program, in partnership with the Delta Academy, will service those most in need. We intentionally kept the team responsible for the program’s daily operations small in order to minimize overhead costs such as administrative needs and labor. This ensures the bulk of funds awarded are spent where they are needed within the community.